
Adapters for mmcv support.


multi_scale_deformable_attn_pytorch(value, ...)

Custom patch for multi_scale_deformable_attn_pytorch function.


EpochRunnerWithCancel(*args, **kwargs)

Simple modification to EpochBasedRunner to allow cancelling the training during an epoch.

IterBasedRunnerWithCancel(*args, **kwargs)

Runner With Cancel for early-stopping (Iter based).

CheckpointHookWithValResults([interval, ...])

Save checkpoints periodically.

CustomEvalHook(*args[, ema_eval_start_epoch])

Custom Evaluation hook for the OTX.

Fp16SAMOptimizerHook([rho, start_epoch])

Sharpness-aware Minimization optimizer hook.


Hook for IB loss.

SAMOptimizerHook([rho, start_epoch])

Sharpness-aware Minimization optimizer hook.


Hook for No Bias Decay Method (Bag of Tricks for Image Classification).

SemiSLClsHook([total_steps, unlabeled_warmup])

Hook for SemiSL for classification.


CancelTrainingHook for Training Stopping.

OTXLoggerHook([curves, interval, ...])

OTXLoggerHook for Logging.

OTXProgressHook(time_monitor[, verbose])

OTXProgressHook for getting progress.

EarlyStoppingHook(interval[, metric, rule, ...])

Cancel training when a metric has stopped improving.

ReduceLROnPlateauLrUpdaterHook(min_lr, interval)

Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.





EMAMomentumUpdateHook([end_momentum, ...])

Exponential moving average (EMA) momentum update hook for self-supervised methods.



AccuracyAwareRunner(*args, nncf_config[, ...])

AccuracyAwareRunner for NNCF task.

TwoCropTransformHook([interval, by_epoch])

TwoCropTransformHook with every specific interval.


Memory cache hook for logging and freezing MemCacheHandler.

LossDynamicsTrackingHook(output_path[, alpha])

Tracking loss dynamics during training and export it to Datumaro dataset format.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.AccuracyAwareRunner(*args, nncf_config, nncf_meta=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: EpochRunnerWithCancel

AccuracyAwareRunner for NNCF task.

An mmcv training runner to be used with NNCF-based accuracy-aware training. Inherited from the standard EpochBasedRunner with the overridden “run” method. This runner does not use the “workflow” and “max_epochs” parameters that are used by the EpochBasedRunner since the training is controlled by NNCF’s AdaptiveCompressionTrainingLoop that does the scheduling of the compression-aware training loop using the parameters specified in the “accuracy_aware_training”.

run(data_loaders, *args, **kwargs)[source]#


save_checkpoint(*args, **kwargs) None[source]#

Save checkpoint with NNCF meta state.

train_fn(*args, **kwargs)[source]#


Train the model for a single epoch. This method is used in NNCF-based accuracy-aware training.

validation_fn(*args, **kwargs)[source]#


Return the target metric value on the validation dataset. This method is used in NNCF-based accuracy-aware training.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.CancelTrainingHook(interval: int = 5)[source]#

Bases: Hook

CancelTrainingHook for Training Stopping.

Periodically check whether whether a stop signal is sent to the runner during model training.

Every ‘check_interval’ iterations, the work_dir for the runner is checked to see if a file ‘.stop_training’ is present. If it is, training is stopped.


interval – Period for checking for stop signal, given in iterations.

after_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Log after_train_iter for CancelTrainingHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.CheckpointHookWithValResults(interval=-1, by_epoch=True, save_optimizer=True, out_dir=None, max_keep_ckpts=-1, sync_buffer=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Save checkpoints periodically.

  • interval (int) – The saving period. If by_epoch=True, interval indicates epochs, otherwise it indicates iterations. Default: -1, which means “never”.

  • by_epoch (bool) – Saving checkpoints by epoch or by iteration. Default: True.

  • save_optimizer (bool) – Whether to save optimizer state_dict in the checkpoint. It is usually used for resuming experiments. Default: True.

  • out_dir (str, optional) – The directory to save checkpoints. If not specified, runner.work_dir will be used by default.

  • max_keep_ckpts (int, optional) – The maximum checkpoints to keep. In some cases we want only the latest few checkpoints and would like to delete old ones to save the disk space. Default: -1, which means unlimited.

  • sync_buffer (bool) – Whether to synchronize buffers in different gpus. Default: False.


Checkpoint stuffs after train epoch.


Checkpoint stuffs after train iteration.


Set output directopy if not set.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.CompressionHook(compression_ctrl=None)[source]#

Bases: Hook



Called after train epoch.


Called after train iter.


Called before run.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.CustomEvalHook(*args, ema_eval_start_epoch=10, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: EvalHook

Custom Evaluation hook for the OTX.

  • dataloader (DataLoader) – A PyTorch dataloader.

  • interval (int) – Evaluation interval (by epochs). Default: 1.


Check whether current epoch is to be evaluated or not.


Check whether current iteration is to be evaluated or not.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.EMAMomentumUpdateHook(end_momentum: float = 1.0, update_interval: int = 1, by_epoch: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Exponential moving average (EMA) momentum update hook for self-supervised methods.

This hook includes momentum adjustment in self-supervised methods following:

m = 1 - ( 1- m_0) * (cos(pi * k / K) + 1) / 2, k: current step, K: total steps.

  • end_momentum – The final momentum coefficient for the target network, defaults to 1.

  • update_interval – Interval to update new momentum, defaults to 1.

  • by_epoch – Whether updating momentum by epoch or not, defaults to False.

after_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_train_iter in EMAMomentumUpdateHook.

before_train_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_train_epoch in EMAMomentumUpdateHook.

before_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_train_iter in EMAMomentumUpdateHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.EarlyStoppingHook(interval: int, metric: str = 'bbox_mAP', rule: str | None = None, patience: int = 5, iteration_patience: int = 500, min_delta_ratio: float = 0.0)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Cancel training when a metric has stopped improving.

Early Stopping hook monitors a metric quantity and if no improvement is seen for a ‘patience’ number of epochs, the training is cancelled.

  • interval – the number of intervals for checking early stop. The interval number should be the same as the evaluation interval - the interval variable set in evaluation config.

  • metric – the metric name to be monitored

  • rule – greater or less. In less mode, training will stop when the metric has stopped decreasing and in greater mode it will stop when the metric has stopped increasing.

  • patience – Number of epochs with no improvement after which the training will be reduced. For example, if patience = 2, then we will ignore the first 2 epochs with no improvement, and will only cancel the training after the 3rd epoch if the metric still hasn’t improved then

  • iteration_patience – Number of iterations must be trained after the last improvement before training stops. The same as patience but the training continues if the number of iteration is lower than iteration_patience This variable makes sure a model is trained enough for some iterations after the last improvement before stopping.

  • min_delta_ratio – Minimal ratio value to check the best score. If the difference between current and best score is smaller than (current_score * (1-min_delta_ratio)), best score will not be changed.

after_train_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after every training epoch to evaluate the results.

after_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after every training iter to evaluate the results.

before_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_run in EarlyStoppingHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.EnsureCorrectBestCheckpointHook[source]#

Bases: Hook


This hook makes sure that the ‘best_mAP’ checkpoint points properly to the best model, even if the best model is created in the last epoch.

after_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after train epoch hooks.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.EpochRunnerWithCancel(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: EpochBasedRunner

Simple modification to EpochBasedRunner to allow cancelling the training during an epoch.

A stopping hook should set the runner.should_stop flag to True if stopping is required.

stop() bool[source]#

Returning a boolean to break the training loop.

This method supports distributed training by broadcasting should_stop to other ranks :return: a cancellation bool

train(data_loader: DataLoader, **kwargs)[source]#

Train call hook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.Fp16SAMOptimizerHook(rho=0.05, start_epoch=1, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Fp16OptimizerHook

Sharpness-aware Minimization optimizer hook.

Implemented as OptimizerHook for MMCV Runners - Paper ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.01412 - code ref: davda54/sam


Perform SAM optimization.

  1. compute current loss (DONE IN model.train_step())

  2. compute current gradient

  3. move param to the approximate local maximum: w + e(w) = w + rho*norm_grad

  4. compute maximum loss

  5. compute SAM gradient on maximum loss

  6. restore parram to original param

  7. update param using SAM gradient

Assuming model.current_batch had been set in model.train_step()

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.IBLossHook(dst_classes)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Hook for IB loss.

It passes the number of data per class and current epoch to IB loss class.

Initialize the IBLossHook.


dst_classes (list) – A list of classes including new_classes to be newly learned


Get loss from model and pass the number of data per class and current epoch to IB loss.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.IterBasedRunnerWithCancel(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: IterBasedRunner

Runner With Cancel for early-stopping (Iter based).

Simple modification to IterBasedRunner to allow cancelling the training. The cancel training hook should set the runner.should_stop flag to True if stopping is required.

# TODO: Implement cancelling of training via keyboard interrupt signal, instead of should_stop

main_loop(workflow: List[tuple], iter_loaders: Sequence[IterLoader], **kwargs)[source]#

Main loop function in IterBasedRunnerWithCancel.

run(data_loaders: Sequence[DataLoader], workflow: List[tuple], max_iters: int | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Function of main run.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.LossDynamicsTrackingHook(output_path: str, alpha: float = 0.001)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Tracking loss dynamics during training and export it to Datumaro dataset format.

after_run(runner: BaseRunner) None[source]#

Export loss dynamics statistics to Datumaro format.


Accumulate training loss dynamics.

It should be here because it needs to access the training iteration.


Before run, check the type of model for safe running.

before_train_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Initialize the tracker for training loss dynamics tracking.

Tracker needs the training dataset for initialization. However, there is no way to access to dataloader until the beginning of training epoch.

classmethod configure_recipe(recipe_cfg: Config, output_path: str) None[source]#

Configure recipe to enable loss dynamics tracking.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.MemCacheHook[source]#

Bases: Hook

Memory cache hook for logging and freezing MemCacheHandler.


After epoch. Log the handler statistics.

To prevent it from skipping the validation samples, this hook should have lower priority than CustomEvalHook.


Before training, unfreeze the handler.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.NoBiasDecayHook[source]#

Bases: Hook

Hook for No Bias Decay Method (Bag of Tricks for Image Classification).

This hook divides model’s weight & bias to 3 parameter groups [weight with decay, weight without decay, bias without decay].


Merge splited groups before saving checkpoint.


Split weights into decay/no-decay groups.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.OTXLoggerHook(curves: Dict[Any, Curve] | None = None, interval: int = 10, ignore_last: bool = True, reset_flag: bool = True, by_epoch: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: LoggerHook

OTXLoggerHook for Logging.

class Curve[source]#

Bases: object

Curve with x (epochs) & y (scores).

after_train_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_train_epoch in OTXLoggerHook.

before_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_run in OTXLoggerHook.

log(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Log function for OTXLoggerHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.OTXProgressHook(time_monitor: TimeMonitorCallback, verbose: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: Hook

OTXProgressHook for getting progress.

after_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_epoch in OTXProgressHook.

after_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_iter in OTXProgressHook.

after_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_run in OTXProgressHook.

after_val_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_val_iter in OTXProgressHook.

before_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_epoch in OTXProgressHook.

before_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_iter in OTXProgressHook.

before_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_run in OTXProgressHook.

before_val_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_val_iter in OTXProgressHook.

property progress#

Getting Progress from time monitor.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.ReduceLROnPlateauLrUpdaterHook(min_lr: float, interval: int, metric: str = 'bbox_mAP', rule: str | None = None, factor: float = 0.1, patience: int = 3, iteration_patience: int = 300, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: LrUpdaterHook

Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.

Models often benefit from reducing the learning rate by a factor of 2-10 once learning stagnates. This scheduler reads a metrics quantity and if no improvement is seen for a ‘patience’ number of epochs, the learning rate is reduced.

  • min_lr – minimum learning rate. The lower bound of the desired learning rate.

  • interval – the number of intervals for checking the hook. The interval number should be the same as the evaluation interval - the interval variable set in evaluation config.

  • metric – the metric name to be monitored

  • rule – greater or less. In less mode, learning rate will be dropped if the metric has stopped decreasing and in greater mode it will be dropped when the metric has stopped increasing.

  • patience – Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. For example, if patience = 2, then we will ignore the first 2 epochs with no improvement, and will only drop LR after the 3rd epoch if the metric still hasn’t improved then

  • iteration_patience – Number of iterations must be trained after the last improvement before LR drops. The same as patience but the LR remains the same if the number of iteration is lower than iteration_patience. This variable makes sure a model is trained enough for some iterations after the last improvement before dropping the LR.

  • factor – Factor to be multiply with the learning rate. For example, new_lr = current_lr * factor

after_each_n_epochs(runner: BaseRunner, interval: int) bool[source]#

Check whether current epoch is a next epoch after multiples of interval.

after_each_n_iters(runner: BaseRunner, interval: int) bool[source]#

Check whether current iter is a next iter after multiples of interval.

before_run(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_run in ReduceLROnPlateauLrUpdaterHook.

get_lr(runner: BaseRunner, base_lr: float)[source]#

Called get_lr in ReduceLROnPlateauLrUpdaterHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.SAMOptimizerHook(rho=0.05, start_epoch=1, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: OptimizerHook

Sharpness-aware Minimization optimizer hook.

Implemented as OptimizerHook for MMCV Runners - Paper ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.01412 - code ref: davda54/sam


Perform SAM optimization.

  1. compute current loss (DONE IN model.train_step())

  2. compute current gradient

  3. move param to the approximate local maximum: w + e(w) = w + rho*norm_grad

  4. compute maximum loss

  5. compute SAM gradient on maximum loss

  6. restore parram to original param

  7. update param using SAM gradient

Assuming model.current_batch had been set in model.train_step()

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.SemiSLClsHook(total_steps=0, unlabeled_warmup=True)[source]#

Bases: Hook

Hook for SemiSL for classification.

This hook includes unlabeled warm-up loss coefficient (default: True):

unlabeled_coef = (0.5 - cos(min(pi, 2 * pi * k) / K)) / 2 k: current step, K: total steps

Also, this hook adds semi-sl-related data to the log (unlabeled_coef, pseudo_label)

  • total_steps (int) – total steps for training (iteration) Raise the coefficient from 0 to 1 during half the duration of total_steps default: 0, use runner.max_iters

  • unlabeled_warmup (boolean) – enable unlabeled warm-up loss coefficient If False, Semi-SL uses 1 as unlabeled loss coefficient


Add data related to Semi-SL to the log.


Add the number of pseudo-labels correctly selected from iteration.


Calculate the unlabeled warm-up loss coefficient before training iteration.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.StopLossNanTrainingHook[source]#

Bases: Hook


after_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_train_iter in StopLossNanTrainingHook.

class otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.TwoCropTransformHook(interval: int = 1, by_epoch: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: Hook

TwoCropTransformHook with every specific interval.

This hook decides whether using single pipeline or two pipelines implemented in TwoCropTransform for the current iteration.

  • interval (int) – If interval == 1, both pipelines is used. If interval > 1, the first pipeline is used and then both pipelines are used every interval. Defaults to 1.

  • by_epoch (bool) – (TODO) Use interval by epoch. Defaults to False.

after_train_iter(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called after_train_iter in TwoCropTransformHook.

before_train_epoch(runner: BaseRunner)[source]#

Called before_train_epoch in TwoCropTransformHook.

otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmcv.multi_scale_deformable_attn_pytorch(value: Tensor, value_spatial_shapes: Tensor, sampling_locations: Tensor, attention_weights: Tensor) Tensor[source]#

Custom patch for multi_scale_deformable_attn_pytorch function.

Original implementation in mmcv.ops use torch.nn.functional.grid_sample. It raises errors during inference with OpenVINO exported model. Therefore this function change grid_sample function to _custom_grid_sample function.