
Configs Initialization of OTX Segmentation.


SegmentationConfig([visible_in_ui, ...])

Configurations of OTX Segmentation.

class otx.algorithms.segmentation.configs.base.SegmentationConfig(visible_in_ui: bool = True, tiling_parameters: BaseTilingParameters = _Nothing.NOTHING, learning_parameters: __LearningParameters = _Nothing.NOTHING, postprocessing: __Postprocessing = _Nothing.NOTHING, algo_backend: __AlgoBackend = _Nothing.NOTHING, nncf_optimization: __NNCFOptimization = _Nothing.NOTHING, pot_parameters: __POTParameter = _Nothing.NOTHING, *, id: str | ID | None = ID(), header: str = 'Configuration for an object semantic segmentation task of OTX', description: str = 'Configuration for an object semantic segmentation task of OTX')[source]#

Bases: BaseConfig

Configurations of OTX Segmentation.

Method generated by attrs for class SegmentationConfig.