Onnx Adapter#
- class model_api.adapters.onnx_adapter.ONNXRuntimeAdapter(model, ort_options={})#
This inference adapter allows running ONNX models via ONNXRuntime. The adapter has limited functionality: it supports only image models generated by OpenVINO training extensions (OTX: openvinotoolkit/training_extensions). Each onnx file generated by OTX contains ModelAPI-style metadata, which is used for configuring a particular model acting on top of it. Models scope is limited to SSD, MaskRCNNModel, SegmentationModel, and ClassificationModel wrappers. Also, this adapter doesn’t provide asynchronous inference functionality and model reshaping.
Args: model (str): Filename or serialized ONNX model in a byte string. ort_options (dict): parameters that will be forwarded to onnxruntime.InferenceSession
- await_all()#
In case of asynchronous execution waits the completion of all busy infer requests.
- await_any()#
In case of asynchronous execution waits the completion of any busy infer request until it becomes available for the data submission.
- embed_preprocessing(layout, resize_mode, interpolation_mode, target_shape, pad_value, dtype=<class 'int'>, brg2rgb=False, mean=None, scale=None, input_idx=0)#
Adds external preprocessing steps done before ONNX model execution.
- get_input_layers()#
- Gets the names of model inputs and for each one creates the Metadata structure,
which contains the information about the input shape, layout, precision in OpenVINO format, meta (optional)
- Returns:
the dict containing Metadata for all inputs
- get_model()#
Return a reference to the ONNXRuntime session.
- get_output_layers()#
- Gets the names of model outputs and for each one creates the Metadata structure,
which contains the information about the output shape, layout, precision in OpenVINO format, meta (optional)
- Returns:
the dict containing Metadata for all outputs
- get_raw_result(infer_result)#
Gets raw results from the internal inference framework representation as a dict.
- Parameters:
infer_result (-) – framework-specific result of inference from the model
- Returns:
- {
‘output_layer_name_1’: raw_result_1, ‘output_layer_name_2’: raw_result_2, …
- Return type:
raw result (dict) - model raw output in the following format
- get_rt_info(path)#
Returns an attribute stored in model info.
- Parameters:
path (list[str]) – a sequence of tag names leading to the attribute.
- Returns:
a value stored under corresponding tag sequence.
- Return type:
- infer_async(dict_data, callback_data)#
Performs the asynchronous model inference and sets the callback for inference completion. Also, it should define get_raw_result() function, which handles the result of inference from the model.
- Parameters:
dict_data (-) –
it’s submitted to the model for inference and has the following format: {
’input_layer_name_1’: data_1, ‘input_layer_name_2’: data_2, …
callback_data (-) – the data for callback, that will be taken after the model inference is ended
- infer_sync(dict_data)#
Performs the synchronous model inference. The infer is a blocking method.
- Parameters:
dict_data (-) –
it’s submitted to the model for inference and has the following format: {
’input_layer_name_1’: data_1, ‘input_layer_name_2’: data_2, …
- Returns:
- {
‘output_layer_name_1’: raw_result_1, ‘output_layer_name_2’: raw_result_2, …
- Return type:
raw result (dict) - model raw output in the following format
- is_ready()#
In case of asynchronous execution checks if one can submit input data to the model for inference, or all infer requests are busy.
- Returns:
- the boolean flag whether the input data can be
submitted to the model for inference or not
- load_model()#
Loads the model on the device.
- reshape_model(new_shape)#
“Not supported by ONNX adapter.
- save_model(path, weights_path=None, version=None)#
Serializes model to the filesystem.
- Parameters:
path (str) – paths to save .onnx file.
weights_path (str | None) – not used by ONNX adapter.
version (str | None) – not used by ONNX adapter.
- set_callback(callback_fn)#
Sets callback that grabs results of async inference.
- Parameters:
callback_fn (Callable) – Callback function.
- update_model_info(model_info)#
Updates model with the provided model info. Model info dict can also contain nested dicts.
- Parameters:
model_info (dict[str, Any]) – model info dict to write to the model.
- model_api.adapters.onnx_adapter.change_layout(image, layout)#
Changes the input image layout to fit the layout of the model input layer.
- Parameters:
inputs (ndarray) – a single image as 3D array in HWC layout
- Returns:
the image with layout aligned with the model layout
- model_api.adapters.onnx_adapter.get_shape_from_onnx(onnx_shape)#