Instance Segmentation#
Instance segmentation model aims to detect and segment objects in an image. It is an extension of object detection, where each object is segmented into a separate mask. The model outputs a list of segmented objects, each containing a mask, bounding box, score and class label.
OpenVINO Model Specifications#
A single input image of shape (H, W, 3) where H and W are the height and width of the image, respectively.
Instance segmentation model outputs a InstanceSegmentationResult
object containing the following attributes:
(np.ndarray) - Bounding boxes of the detected objects. Each in format of x1, y1, x2 y2.scores
(np.ndarray) - Confidence scores of the detected objects.masks
(np.ndarray) - Segmentation masks of the detected objects.labels
(np.ndarray) - Class labels of the detected objects.label_names
(list[str]) - List of class names of the detected objects.
import cv2
from model_api.models import MaskRCNNModel
# Load the model
model = MaskRCNNModel.create_model("model.xml")
# Forward pass
predictions = model(image)
# Iterate over the segmented objects
for box, score, mask, label, label_name in zip(
print(f"Box: {box}, Score: {score}, Label: {label}, Label Name: {label_name}")
cv2.imshow("Mask", mask)
- class model_api.models.instance_segmentation.MaskRCNNModel(inference_adapter, configuration={}, preload=False)#
Image model constructor
It extends the Model constructor.
- Parameters:
inference_adapter (InferenceAdapter) – allows working with the specified executor
configuration (dict, optional) – it contains values for parameters accepted by specific wrapper (confidence_threshold, labels etc.) which are set as data attributes
preload (bool, optional) – a flag whether the model is loaded to device while initialization. If preload=False, the model must be loaded via load method before inference
- Raises:
WrapperError – if the wrapper failed to define appropriate inputs for images
- classmethod parameters()#
Defines the description and type of configurable data parameters for the wrapper.
See to find available types of the data parameter. For each parameter the type, default value and description must be provided.
- The example of possible data parameter:
- ‘confidence_threshold’: NumericalValue(
default_value=0.5, description=”Threshold value for detection box confidence”
The method must be implemented in each specific inherited wrapper.
- Return type:
- Returns:
the dictionary with defined wrapper data parameters
- postprocess(outputs, meta)#
Interface for postprocess method.
- Parameters:
outputs (dict) –
model raw output in the following format: {
’output_layer_name_1’: raw_result_1, ‘output_layer_name_2’: raw_result_2, …
meta (dict) – the input metadata obtained from preprocess method
- Return type:
- Returns:
postprocessed data in the format defined by wrapper
- preprocess(inputs)#
Data preprocess method
- It performs basic preprocessing of a single image:
Resizes the image to fit the model input size via the defined resize type
Normalizes the image: subtracts means, divides by scales, switch channels BGR-RGB
Changes the image layout according to the model input layout
Also, it keeps the size of original image and resized one as original_shape and resized_shape in the metadata dictionary.
It supports only models with single image input. If the model has more image inputs or has additional supported inputs, the preprocess should be overloaded in a specific wrapper.
- Parameters:
inputs (ndarray) – a single image as 3D array in HWC layout
- Returns:
- {
‘input_layer_name’: preprocessed_image
the input metadata, which might be used in postprocess method
- Return type:
the preprocessed image in the following format