Utility functions to guarantee the OTX1.x models.
Helper class to support the backward compatibility of OTX v1. |
- class otx.algo.utils.support_otx_v1.OTXv1Helper[source]#
Helper class to support the backward compatibility of OTX v1.
- static load_cls_deit_ckpt(state_dict: dict, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x deit-tiny classification checkpoints.
- static load_cls_effnet_b0_ckpt(state_dict: dict, label_type: str, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x efficientnet b0 classification checkpoints.
- static load_cls_effnet_v2_ckpt(state_dict: dict, label_type: str, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x efficientnet v2 classification checkpoints.
- static load_cls_mobilenet_v3_ckpt(state_dict: dict, label_type: str, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x mobilenet v3 classification checkpoints.
- static load_common_ckpt(state_dict: dict, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x model checkpoints that don’t need special handling.
- static load_det_ckpt(state_dict: dict, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x detection model checkpoints.
- static load_iseg_ckpt(state_dict: dict, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the instance segmentation model checkpoints.
- static load_seg_lite_hrnet_ckpt(state_dict: dict, add_prefix: str = '') dict [source]#
Load the OTX1.x lite hrnet segmentation checkpoints.