
API for OTX Entry-Point User.


Engine(*[, data_root, task, work_dir, ...])

OTX Engine.

class otx.engine.Engine(*, data_root: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, task: OTXTaskType | None = None, work_dir: str | Path | PathLike = './otx-workspace', datamodule: OTXDataModule | None = None, model: OTXModel | str | None = None, checkpoint: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, device: DeviceType = DeviceType.auto, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

OTX Engine.

This class defines the Engine for OTX, which governs each step of the OTX workflow.


The following examples show how to use the Engine class.

Auto-Configuration with data_root:

engine = Engine(

Create Engine with Custom OTXModel:

engine = Engine(

Create Engine with Custom OTXDataModule:

engine = Engine(
    model = OTXModel(...),
    datamodule = OTXDataModule(...),

Initializes the OTX Engine.

  • data_root (PathLike | None, optional) – Root directory for the data. Defaults to None.

  • task (OTXTaskType | None, optional) – The type of OTX task. Defaults to None.

  • work_dir (PathLike, optional) – Working directory for the engine. Defaults to “./otx-workspace”.

  • datamodule (OTXDataModule | None, optional) – The data module for the engine. Defaults to None.

  • model (OTXModel | str | None, optional) – The model for the engine. Defaults to None.

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – Path to the checkpoint file. Defaults to None.

  • device (DeviceType, optional) – The device type to use. Defaults to DeviceType.auto.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for pl.Trainer.

explain(checkpoint: PathLike | None = None, datamodule: EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None = None, explain_config: ExplainConfig | None = None, dump: bool | None = False, **kwargs) list | None[source]#

Run XAI using the specified model and data (test subset).

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – The path to the checkpoint file to load the model from.

  • datamodule (EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None, optional) – The data module to use for predictions.

  • explain_config (ExplainConfig | None, optional) – Config used to handle saliency maps.

  • dump (bool) – Whether to dump “saliency_map” or not.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for pl.Trainer configuration.


Saliency maps.

Return type:



>>> engine.explain(
...     datamodule=OTXDataModule(),
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
...     explain_config=ExplainConfig(),
...     dump=True,
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. To run XAI with the torch model in work_dir, run

    `shell >>> otx explain \ ...     --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> `

  2. To run XAI using the specified model (torch or IR), run

    `shell >>> otx explain \ ...     --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  3. To run XAI using the configuration, run

    `shell >>> otx explain \ ...     --config <CONFIG_PATH> --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

export(checkpoint: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, export_format: OTXExportFormatType = OTXExportFormatType.OPENVINO, export_precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, explain: bool = False, export_demo_package: bool = False) Path[source]#

Export the trained model to OpenVINO Intermediate Representation (IR) or ONNX formats.

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – Checkpoint to export. Defaults to None.

  • export_config (ExportConfig | None, optional) – Config that allows to set export

  • None. (format and precision. Defaults to) –

  • explain (bool) – Whether to get “saliency_map” and “feature_vector” or not.

  • export_demo_package (bool) – Whether to export demo package with the model. Only OpenVINO model can be exported with demo package.


Path to the exported model.

Return type:



>>> engine.export(
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
...     export_format=OTXExportFormatType.OPENVINO,
...     export_precision=OTXExportPrecisionType.FP32,
...     explain=True,
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. To export a model with default setting (OPENVINO, FP32), run

    `shell >>> otx export --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> `

  2. To export a specific checkpoint, run

    `shell >>> otx export --config <CONFIG_PATH, str> --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  3. To export a model with precision FP16 and format ONNX, run

    `shell >>> otx export ... \ ...     --export_precision FP16 --export_format ONNX `

  4. To export model with ‘saliency_map’ and ‘feature_vector’, run

    `shell >>> otx export ... \ ...     --explain True `

classmethod from_config(config_path: str | Path | PathLike, data_root: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, work_dir: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, **kwargs) Engine[source]#

Builds the engine from a configuration file.

  • config_path (PathLike) – The configuration file path.

  • data_root (PathLike | None) – Root directory for the data. Defaults to None. If data_root is None, use the data_root from the configuration file.

  • work_dir (PathLike | None, optional) – Working directory for the engine. Defaults to None. If work_dir is None, use the work_dir from the configuration file.

  • kwargs – Arguments that can override the engine’s arguments.


An instance of the Engine class.

Return type:



>>> engine = Engine.from_config(
...     config="config.yaml",
... )
classmethod from_model_name(model_name: str, task: OTXTaskType, data_root: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, work_dir: str | Path | PathLike | None = None, **kwargs) Engine[source]#

Builds the engine from a model name.

  • model_name (str) – The model name.

  • task (OTXTaskType) – The type of OTX task.

  • data_root (PathLike | None) – Root directory for the data. Defaults to None. If data_root is None, use the data_root from the configuration file.

  • work_dir (PathLike | None, optional) – Working directory for the engine. Defaults to None. If work_dir is None, use the work_dir from the configuration file.

  • kwargs – Arguments that can override the engine’s arguments.


An instance of the Engine class.

Return type:



>>> engine = Engine.from_model_name(
...     model_name="atss_mobilenetv2",
...     task="DETECTION",
...     data_root=<dataset/path>,
... )
If you want to override configuration from default config:
>>> overriding = {
...     "data.train_subset.batch_size": 2,
...     "data.test_subset.subset_name": "TESTING",
... }
>>> engine = Engine(
...     model_name="atss_mobilenetv2",
...     task="DETECTION",
...     data_root=<dataset/path>,
...     **overriding,
... )
optimize(checkpoint: PathLike | None = None, datamodule: TRAIN_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None = None, max_data_subset_size: int | None = None, export_demo_package: bool = False) Path[source]#

Applies NNCF.PTQ to the underlying models (now works only for OV models).

PTQ performs int-8 quantization on the input model, so the resulting model comes in mixed precision (some operations, however, remain in FP32).

  • checkpoint (str | Path | None, optional) – Checkpoint to optimize. Defaults to None.

  • datamodule (TRAIN_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None, optional) – The data module to use for optimization.

  • max_data_subset_size (int | None) – The maximum size of the train subset from datamodule that would be

  • set (used for model optimization. If not) –

  • it's (NNCF.PTQ will select subset size according to) –

  • settings. (default) –

  • export_demo_package (bool) – Whether to export demo package with optimized models.

  • package. (It outputs zip archive with stand-alone demo) –


path to the optimized model.

Return type:



>>> engine.optimize(
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
...     datamodule=OTXDataModule(),
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. To optimize a model with IR Model, run

    `shell >>> otx optimize \ ...     --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <IR_MODEL_WEIGHT_PATH, str> `

  2. To optimize a specific OVModel class with XML, run

    `shell >>> otx optimize \ ...     --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <IR_MODEL_WEIGHT_PATH, str> \ ...     --model <CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME, OVModel> \ ...     --model.model_name=<PATH_TO_IR_XML, str> `

predict(checkpoint: PathLike | None = None, datamodule: EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None = None, return_predictions: bool | None = None, explain: bool = False, explain_config: ExplainConfig | None = None, **kwargs) list | None[source]#

Run predictions using the specified model and data.

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – The path to the checkpoint file to load the model from.

  • datamodule (EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None, optional) – The data module to use for predictions.

  • return_predictions (bool | None, optional) – Whether to return the predictions or not.

  • explain (bool, optional) – Whether to dump “saliency_map” and “feature_vector” or not.

  • explain_config (ExplainConfig | None, optional) – Explain configuration used for saliency map post-processing

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for pl.Trainer configuration.


The predictions if return_predictions is True, otherwise None.

Return type:

list | None


>>> engine.predict(
...     datamodule=OTXDataModule(),
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
...     return_predictions=True,
...     explain=True,
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. To predict a model with work_dir, run

    `shell >>> otx predict --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> `

  2. To predict a specific model, run

    `shell >>> otx predict \ ...     --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  3. To predict with configuration file, run

    `shell >>> otx predict \ ...     --config <CONFIG_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

test(checkpoint: PathLike | None = None, datamodule: EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None = None, metric: MetricCallable | None = None, **kwargs) dict[source]#

Run the testing phase of the engine.

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – Path to the checkpoint file to load the model from. Defaults to None.

  • datamodule (EVAL_DATALOADERS | OTXDataModule | None, optional) – The data module containing the test data.

  • metric (MetricCallable | None) – If not None, it will override OTXModel.metric_callable with the given metric callable. It will temporarilly change the evaluation metric for the validation and test.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for pl.Trainer configuration.


Dictionary containing the callback metrics from the trainer.

Return type:



>>> engine.test(
...     datamodule=OTXDataModule(),
...     checkpoint=<checkpoint/path>,
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. To eval model by specifying the work_dir where did the training, run

    `shell >>> otx test --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> `

  2. To eval model a specific checkpoint, run

    `shell >>> otx test --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  3. Can pick a model.

    `shell >>> otx test \ ...     --model <CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME> \ ...     --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  4. To eval with configuration file, run

    `shell >>> otx test --config <CONFIG_PATH, str> --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

train(max_epochs: int = 10, seed: int | None = None, deterministic: bool | Literal['warn'] = False, precision: _PRECISION_INPUT | None = '32', val_check_interval: int | float | None = None, callbacks: list[Callback] | Callback | None = None, logger: Logger | Iterable[Logger] | bool | None = None, resume: bool = False, metric: MetricCallable | None = None, run_hpo: bool = False, hpo_config: HpoConfig = HpoConfig(search_space=None, save_path=None, mode='max', num_trials=None, num_workers=1, expected_time_ratio=4, maximum_resource=None, prior_hyper_parameters=None, acceptable_additional_time_ratio=1.0, minimum_resource=None, reduction_factor=3, asynchronous_bracket=True, asynchronous_sha=False, metric_name=None, adapt_bs_search_space_max_val='None'), checkpoint: PathLike | None = None, adaptive_bs: Literal['None', 'Safe', 'Full'] = 'None', **kwargs) dict[str, Any][source]#

Trains the model using the provided LightningModule and OTXDataModule.

  • max_epochs (int | None, optional) – The maximum number of epochs. Defaults to None.

  • seed (int | None, optional) – The random seed. Defaults to None.

  • deterministic (bool | Literal["warn"]) – Whether to enable deterministic behavior. Also, can be set to warn to avoid failures, because some operations don’t support deterministic mode. Defaults to False.

  • precision (_PRECISION_INPUT | None, optional) – The precision of the model. Defaults to 32.

  • val_check_interval (int | float | None, optional) – The validation check interval. Defaults to None.

  • callbacks (list[Callback] | Callback | None, optional) – The callbacks to be used during training.

  • logger (Logger | Iterable[Logger] | bool | None, optional) – The logger(s) to be used. Defaults to None.

  • resume (bool, optional) – If True, tries to resume training from existing checkpoint.

  • metric (MetricCallable | None) – If not None, it will override OTXModel.metric_callable with the given metric callable. It will temporarilly change the evaluation metric for the validation and test.

  • run_hpo (bool, optional) – If True, optimizer hyper parameters before training a model.

  • hpo_config (HpoConfig | None, optional) – Configuration for HPO.

  • checkpoint (PathLike | None, optional) – Path to the checkpoint file. Defaults to None.

  • adaptive_bs (Literal["None", "Safe", "Full"]) – Change the actual batch size depending on the current GPU status. Safe => Prevent GPU out of memory. Full => Find a batch size using most of GPU memory.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for pl.Trainer configuration.


A dictionary containing the callback metrics from the trainer.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]


>>> engine.train(
...     max_epochs=3,
...     seed=1234,
...     deterministic=False,
...     precision="32",
... )
CLI Usage:
  1. Can train with data_root only. then OTX will provide default training configuration.

    `shell >>> otx train --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> `

  2. Can pick a model or datamodule as Config file or Class.

    `shell >>> otx train \ ...     --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> \ ...     --model <CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME, OTXModel> \ ...     --data <CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME, OTXDataModule> `

  3. Of course, can override the various values with commands.

    `shell >>> otx train \ ...     --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> \ ...     --max_epochs <EPOCHS, int> \ ...     --checkpoint <CKPT_PATH, str> `

  4. To train with configuration file, run

    `shell >>> otx train --data_root <DATASET_PATH, str> --config <CONFIG_PATH, str> `

  5. To reproduce the existing training with work_dir, run

    `shell >>> otx train --work_dir <WORK_DIR_PATH, str> `

property datamodule: OTXDataModule#

Returns the datamodule object associated with the engine.


The OTXDataModule object.

Return type:


property device: DeviceConfig#

Device engine uses.

property model: OTXModel#

Returns the model object associated with the engine.


The OTXModel object.

Return type:


property trainer: Trainer#

Returns the trainer object associated with the engine.

To get this property, you should execute Engine.train() function first.


The trainer object.

Return type:


property trainer_params: dict#

Returns the parameters used for training the model.


A dictionary containing the training parameters.

Return type:


property work_dir: str | Path | PathLike#

Work directory.