Use Semi-Supervised Learning#
This tutorial provides an example of how to use semi-supervised learning with OpenVINO™ Training Extensions on the specific dataset.
OpenVINO™ Training Extensions now offers semi-supervised learning, which combines labeled and unlabeled data during training to improve model accuracy in case when we have a small amount of annotated data. Currently, this type of training is available for multi-class classification.
If you want to learn more about the algorithms used in semi-supervised learning, please refer to the explanation section below:
In this tutorial, we use the MobileNet-V3-large model for multi-class classification to cite an example of semi-supervised learning.
The process has been tested on the following configuration:
Ubuntu 20.04
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900
CUDA Toolkit 11.8
To learn how to export the trained model, refer to classification export.
To learn how to optimize the trained model (.xml) with OpenVINO™ PTQ, refer to classification optimization.
This tutorial explains how to train a model in semi-supervised learning mode and how to evaluate the resulting model.
Setup virtual environment#
1. You can follow the installation process from a quick start guide to create a universal virtual environment for OpenVINO™ Training Extensions.
2. Activate your virtual environment:
# or by this line, if you created an environment, using tox
. venv/otx/bin/activate
Dataset preparation#
We use the same dataset, flowers dataset, as we do in classification tutorial.
Since it is assumed that we have additional unlabeled images,
we make a use of tests/assets/classification_semisl_dataset/unlabeled
for this purpose as an example.
please keep the exact same name for the train/val/test folder, to identify the dataset.
| ├──train
| | ├── daisy
| | ├── dandelion
| | ├── roses
| | ├── sunflowers
| | ├── tulips
| ├──val
| | ├── daisy
| | ├── ...
| ├──test
| | ├── daisy
| | ├── ...
The recipe that provides Semi-SL can be found below.
(otx) ...$ otx find --task MULTI_CLASS_CLS --pattern semisl
┃ Task ┃ Model Name ┃ Recipe Path ┃
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ tv_efficientnet_v2_l_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/tv_efficientnet_v2_l_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ mobilenet_v3_large_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/mobilenet_v3_large_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ efficientnet_b0_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/efficientnet_b0_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ tv_efficientnet_b3_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/tv_efficientnet_b3_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ efficientnet_v2_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/efficientnet_v2_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ deit_tiny_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/deit_tiny_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ dino_v2_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/dino_v2_semisl.yaml │
│ MULTI_CLASS_CLS │ tv_mobilenet_v3_small_semisl │ src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/tv_mobilenet_v3_small_semisl.yaml│
from otx.engine.utils.api import list_models
model_lists = list_models(task="MULTI_CLASS_CLS", pattern="*semisl")
We will use the MobileNet-V3-large model for multi-class classification in semi-supervised learning mode.
(otx) ...$ otx train \
--config src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/mobilenet_v3_large_semisl.yaml \
--data_root data/flower_photos/labeled \
--data.unlabeled_subset.data_root data/flower_photos/unlabeled
from otx.engine import Engine
data_root = "data/flower_photos"
recipe = "src/otx/recipe/classification/multi_class_cls/mobilenet_v3_large_semisl.yaml"
overrides = {"data.unlabeled_subset.data_root": "data/flower_photos/unlabeled"}
engine = Engine.from_config(
from import UnlabeledDataConfig
from import OTXDataModule
from otx.engine import Engine
datamodule = OTXDataModule(..., unlabeled_subset=UnlabeledDataConfig(data_root="data/flower_photos/unlabeled", ...))
engine = Engine(..., datamodule=datamodule)
The rest of the commands are the same as the original Classification tutorial. Please refer to the classification tutorial for more details.