
Utility functions for config files.


convert_conf_to_mmconfig_dict(cfg[, to])

Convert OTX format config object to MMEngine config object.


Find and replace tuple or list values in dict to list recursively.


Find and replace tuple or list values in dict to tuple recursively.

otx.core.utils.config.convert_conf_to_mmconfig_dict(cfg: DictConfig | dict, to: Literal['tuple', 'list'] = 'tuple') MMConfig[source]#

Convert OTX format config object to MMEngine config object.

otx.core.utils.config.to_list(dict_: dict) dict[source]#

Find and replace tuple or list values in dict to list recursively.

otx.core.utils.config.to_tuple(dict_: dict) dict[source]#

Find and replace tuple or list values in dict to tuple recursively.