
Convert datasets#

This command allows to convert a dataset from one format to another. The command is a usability alias for create, add and export and just provides a simpler way to obtain the same results in simple cases. A list of supported formats can be found in the --help output of this command.


datum convert [-h] [-i SOURCE] [-if INPUT_FORMAT] -f OUTPUT_FORMAT
              [-o DST_DIR] [--overwrite] [-e FILTER] [--filter-mode FILTER_MODE]
              [-- EXTRA_EXPORT_ARGS]


  • -i, --input-path (string) - Input dataset path. (default: current directory)

  • -if, --input-format (string) - Input dataset format. Will try to detect, if not specified.

  • -f, --output-format (string) - Output format

  • -o, --output-dir (string) - Directory to save output. (default: a subdir in the current one)

  • --overwrite - Allows overwriting existing files in the output directory, when it is not empty.

  • -e, --filter (string) - XML XPath filter expression for dataset items

  • --filter-mode (string) - Filter mode, one of items, annotations, items+annotations (default: items)

  • -h, --help - Print the help message and exit.

  • -- <extra export args> - Additional arguments for the format writer (use -- -h for help). Must be specified after the main command arguments.


  • Convert a VOC-like dataset to a COCO-like one

    datum convert --input-format voc --input-path <path/to/voc-like/dataset/> \
                  --output-format coco \
                  -- --save-media