

OKS(a, b[, sigma, bbox, scale])

Object Keypoint Similarity metric.

PDJ(a, b[, eps, ratio, bbox])

Percentage of Detected Joints metric.

approximate_line(points, segments)

Approximates a 2d line to the required number of segments.

bbox_iou(a, b)

IoU computations for simple cases with bounding boxes



make_label_id_mapping(src_labels, dst_labels)

Maps label ids from source to destination.


Computes the maximum bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.


Computes the mean bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.

nms(segments[, iou_thresh])

Non-maxima suppression algorithm.

segment_iou(a, b)

Generic IoU computation with masks, polygons, and boxes.


datumaro.util.annotation_util.max_bbox(annotations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float, float, float] | _Shape | Mask]) Tuple[float, float, float, float][source]#

Computes the maximum bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.


(x, y, w, h)

Return type:

bbox (tuple)

datumaro.util.annotation_util.mean_bbox(annotations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float, float, float] | _Shape | Mask]) Tuple[float, float, float, float][source]#

Computes the mean bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.


(x, y, w, h)

Return type:

bbox (tuple)

datumaro.util.annotation_util.nms(segments, iou_thresh=0.5)[source]#

Non-maxima suppression algorithm.

datumaro.util.annotation_util.bbox_iou(a, b) Literal[-1] | float[source]#

IoU computations for simple cases with bounding boxes

datumaro.util.annotation_util.segment_iou(a, b)[source]#

Generic IoU computation with masks, polygons, and boxes. Returns -1 if no intersection, [0; 1] otherwise

datumaro.util.annotation_util.PDJ(a, b, eps=None, ratio=0.05, bbox=None)[source]#

Percentage of Detected Joints metric. Counts the number of matching points.

datumaro.util.annotation_util.OKS(a, b, sigma=None, bbox=None, scale=None)[source]#

Object Keypoint Similarity metric. https://cocodataset.org/#keypoints-eval

datumaro.util.annotation_util.approximate_line(points: Sequence[float], segments: int) ndarray[source]#

Approximates a 2d line to the required number of segments. The new points are distributed uniformly across the input line.

  • points (Sequence) – an array of line point coordinates. The size is [points * 2], the layout is [x0, y0, x1, y1, …].

  • segments (int) – the required numebr of segments in the resulting line.


an array of new line point coordinates.

Return type:

new_points (numpy.ndarray)


The size is [(segments + 1) * 2], the layout is [x0, y0, x1, y1, …].

datumaro.util.annotation_util.make_label_id_mapping(src_labels: LabelCategories, dst_labels: LabelCategories, fallback: int = 0) Tuple[Callable[[int], int | None], Dict[int, int], Dict[int, str], Dict[int, str]][source]#

Maps label ids from source to destination. Fallback id is used for missing labels.


map_id (callable): src id -> dst id
id_mapping (dict): src id -> dst i
src_labels (dict): src id -> src label
dst_labels (dict): dst id -> dst label